dAFi Board Meeting 2/7/2023

Attendees: Care Hart, Laura Free, Gretchen, Jean Peter

Prior Actions Required: 

AR to Laura- Investigate potential Paypal policy changes. Have a report for the next meeting. DONE

AR to Jean: Order 3x4 ziplock bags for Care for Jewelry. DONE

AR to Laura: Ask Johni and Rae if they’ll do a slot in the HOP DONE

AR to ALL- simple technique ideas to do 15 or less min videos to ask HOP participants to make videos of. 

AR to Darla and Laura - Name the boxes. DONE

Current Actions Required:

AR to Care: Upload photo and those of Ginger and Zeke’s to the website.

AR to Laura: Rename the lots for the March Fundraiser


dAFi 5th Birthday Celebration Schedule of Events: 

Fundraising Event Preview:

Thursday Feb 9, 2023@ Noon EST


Saturday Feb 11, 2023 @ Noon EST

Fundraising Event: https://www.youtube.com/live/hG33GcohceA?feature=share

Sunday Feb  12, 2023 Hop Schedule:

11am - Kim Lippincott - https://youtube.com/@VintageRoseCreationsbyKim

12:00 - Anne Lahr https://youtube.com/@AnneLahr1663

1:00 -  The Canadian Artisan https://youtube.com/@CanadianArtisan

2:00 - Texture Junkies https://youtube.com/@texturejunkies8780

3:00 - Jean Peter Artist https://youtube.com/@JeanPeterArtist

4:00 - Care Hart https://youtube.com/@CareHart

5:00 - Dinner break

6:00 - CaliBarb and Darla https://youtube.com/@calib8648

7:00 - 1LeggedWitchyWoman https://youtube.com/@1leggedwitchywoman

8:00 - Crafting Mamas

https://youtube.com/@CraftingMamas Feb 8, 2023